Flag Program Subscription
Help create a community of red, white, and blue!
New registrations must be received a minimum of 2 weeks before their first holiday delivery.
Join others on your street to honor our country with a parade of flags.
President's Day - Memorial Day - Independence Day
Labor Day – Patriot Day - Veterans Day
(Pleas note: The size and success of the program has forced us to make the hard decision that starting in 2020
we will no longer put flags out on Flag Day. I know how that sounds, but 3 holidays in 6 weeks is too much
for a 100% volunteer club and a Boy Scout Troop. We hope you understand)
On each of the 6 holidays, a quality 3' x 5' American flag on a 10' pole will be installed in front of your home or business. The Frisco Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation will charge $75 per year, billing you each year thereafter for subscription renewal. Special rates apply to 4 or more flags placed in front of one business or sub-division entrance.
Your contribution goes directly to The Frisco Sunrise Rotary Club Foundation, a 501 (c)3. The Frisco Sunrise Rotary Club supports many local charities and International Service Projects approved by Rotary International.
The goal of the Frisco Sunrise Rotary Club Flag Program is to see "Old Glory" in front of every home and business in and around Frisco on these important dates in our history. Join us in celebrating our national holidays by flying the Red, White, and Blue!
Should you ever have an issue or have questions or comments please email us at FriscoFlags@gmail.com
"and the Star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"
Sunrise Rotary Flag Subscription
You do not need a PayPal account to sign up, just click "Pay using your credit or debit card" under the LOG IN button